The GPENreformation network can look back on 10 years of existence in 2023. The history of the network is also the history of the GPENreformation Foundation.
- 04/2013 International opening and preparatory conference “500 protestant schools worldwide celebrate 500 years of Reformation” at Haus Hainstein in Eisenach, Germany
- 10/2013 Official launch of the Reformation Jubilee project for Protestant schools with activation of the website
- 2014 Two regional meetings in Africa and Brazil
- 10/2015 International Headmasters’ Conference “500 Protestant Schools – One World: Towards the Reformation Jubilee 2017” at the LEUCOREA Foundation Conference Centre in Wittenberg, Germany
- 05-09/2017 Participation at the World Reformation Exhibition in Wittenberg, Germany. On the occasion of this celebration, schools500reformation officially became part of the GPENreformation network.
- 07-08/2017 International Schools camp in Wittenberg
- 12/2016 Ambassadors’ Conference in Soesterberg/Netherlands
- 11/2017 Ambassadors’ Conference in Kigali/Rwanda
- 11/2018 Ambassadors’ Conference in Arusha/Tanzania
- 09/2019 Founding of the GPENreformation Foundation based in Woerden, The Netherlands
- 11/2020 Digital International Conference, hosted by partners in South America
- 01/2023 Digital International Conference, hosted by Verus, Netherlands