Donations support the work of the GPENreformation Foundation. It is through them that the foundation is filled with life. You can donate either as a supporter or as a member of the GPENreformation network. You can read about how this works here:
Your contribution to the GPENreformation Foundation will ensure that international conferences and student camps, digital activities, school partnerships and innovative forms of networking can continue to be supported and organized.
By the way, for individuals and organisations that contribute financially to the GPENreformation Foundation, no participation fee is charged for any networking activity!
You will help to sharpen and strengthen the lobbying spirit of the network: GPENreformation wants to become even more visible to politics and society on a global level and actively participate in shaping worldwide education movements and developments.
Send your contribution with the keyword “GPENreformation Foundation_Name and Country” to the following account:
- Account Holder: GPENreformation Stiftung
IBAN: DE17350601901000040017
You also want to participate in terms of content? As co-financing person or organisation, you can share responsibility for future activities and the global representation of Protestant schools in one of the newly established steering committees from 2024 onwards.
In order to fill the Foundation with life and to enable GPENreformation to work more strongly than ever for good Protestant education and school networking, all member organizations are asked to support the Foundation financially. This will ensure that international conferences and school camps, digital activities, school partnerships and innovative forms of networking can continue to be supported and organised.
By the way: For individuals and organisations that financially support the GPENreformation Foundation, participation in networking activities is free of charge!
As an annual contribution, an amount equivalent to two average monthly salaries of a primary school teacher at a Protestant school in the organisation’s country is proposed. The exact amount is calculated on a trust basis by the organisations themselves. Of course, schools and colleges are also welcome to participate on a voluntary basis!
A teacher at a primary school in Rwanda earns on average 100 USD per month. The annual contribution of an organisation in Rwanda is 200 USD (2 x 100 USD).
A teacher at a primary school in Brazil has an average monthly salary of 1,200 USD. A Brazilian organisation pays 2,400 USD annually to the Foundation (2x 1,200 USD).
Members that donate four or more average monthly salaries of a teacher at a Protestant primary school in the organisation’s country per year automatically receive a seat on the Foundation Board. In this way, they can actively influence the direction of the Foundation and the GPENreformation network.
Send your contribution with the keyword “GPENreformation Stiftung_Name und Land” to the following account:
Account holder: GPENreformation Foundation
IBAN: DE39 3506 0190 1000 0400 09 (Only for members of GPENreformation)
You also want to participate in the content? As a co-financing person or organisation you can take responsibility for future activities and the worldwide representation of Protestant schools in one of the newly established steering commitees.